Sabtu, 02 April 2011

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BNP opposed to AV used by militants Yes:
This season, when all the politicians agree with Nick. But what?

A year ago, the phrase was invented by Gordon Brown and David Cameron to join Nick Clegg for the televised leaders debate. Twelve months later, plunging popularity of the Liberal Democrats' leader indicates his image has been affected by the opponents of their intention to adopt the alternative vote for the election of deputies.

Now the new Nick joined the fray. Griffin, British National Party leader and political figure of hatred, was shown in a series of posters to highlight the Yes campaign, the opposition BNP to AV.

Billboards Griffin joined by David Cameron, who last week launched its strongest attack yet on the majority to change AV. He said that the rating system of candidates in order of preference was "crazy" and "undemocratic."

The decision to place Griffin in the middle of the next phase of the campaign Yes, came after research suggested that opposition to the BNP atrioventricular produced overwhelming support for reform. Katie Ghose, chairman of the Yes campaign for a fair vote, he said. "We talked with voters across the country the moment they hear that Nick Griffin is fighting for voting No, they say, but Griffin voting no, and encourage supporters of the BNP. To do the same. He knows that his side has no future with A. .. "

But the picture there is a conflict with running a political campaign without yesterday in central London. Instead, the comedian Eddie Izzard, writer Rowan Davis, a gold medalist, Kriss Akabusi, journalist Martin Bell and designer Amisha Ghadiali tail, to explain why members of the AV end become complacent. Greg Dyke, former director general of BBC, said: "After the appointment you have a job for life, so we, and the average AV politicians will change that .." More than 100 events have been place across the country.

Writing in the Independent on Sunday, Mr Clegg welcomed the vote as a longstanding example of Lib Dem policy, which "becomes a reality." He added: "Electoral reform felt like an unattainable goal for decades: now give voters their first chance to get rid of most of the broken system that helped produce the expenses scandal."

The referendum will be held on May 5, with both sides concerned about the level of public consciousness. Under AV, voters have the candidates in order of preference. Those who make less eliminated in the reverse order of their votes to another until one candidate has 50 percent support.

However, Mr Clegg described VA as "a pathetic compromise" because it is not proportional system. According to the YouGov poll of 2,391 people conducted last week, 19 percent of people want to see a proportional voting system - STV - while only 16 percent supported AV.

Lord Alton, a former Liberal Democrat MP for the protection of not AV, but not to public relations, said. "Rejecting the AV will bring real reform is more likely if the change is bad now, it will be years before the debate will be resumed.

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